Looking to plan a corporate retreat or a group getaway with friends? We got it covered so let’s chat!
Here are some things we’d like for you to have an idea on or answers to when we chat. The more we know, the more we can tailor an incredible experience for you and your peers. Of course, not all questions may apply to each adventure.... but....for the most part, this would all be great info for us to have when we connect.
Do you have a desired destination in mind?
Group size? A range is fine here too.
Lodging preference (hotel chain preference, Air B&B, VRBO, etc…?) Prices are based on single room occupancy. Double occupancy is an option if this is a trip with friends.
Difficulty Level 1-10 (1 is minimal effort, 10 being extreme) Most of our trips range around 5-8 in difficulty but can be tailor made to meet your expectations.
Hours adventuring vs Hours Team building/working?
Understanding what kind of budget we have to work with?
Trip Length?
Additional perks? (massage/spa services, cooking classes, educational pieces)
Include meals at restaurants, or on your own?
Special Excursions beyond hiking?
To inquire about a corporate adventure or private trip planning please reach out to us at and we will get you in touch with our Head Guide Erin Stewart .